Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Just Released: YouTube Kids App!

I've just learned, thanks to my friend Staci Hansen-Hesston's Technology Integration Specialist that the app YouTube Kids is now available. This will be great for our younger students!

Listen to this great review from EdTechnocation.

Monday, February 2, 2015

There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a.......

 Miss Suderman's 2nd graders sure do know how to write some creative stories. If you click on the below links, you can see different versions of the tale There Was An Old Lady, through the eyes of a 2nd grade author.
   Miss Suderman first read the classic tale to her students then they were given a graphic organizer to plan their story. Next they wrote out and illustrated their story. The last thing they did was create a digital story using the iPad App called Educreations. In Educreations they typed, illustrated and when they were completely finished with the story they recorded their voices. Great writing 2nd grade!

We made "hard copies" of the digital stories, now the students will be able to read them at home.