Friday, March 13, 2015

"Breaking News" From Mrs. Armendariz's Technology Class

The students from my Technology Class are getting pretty fancy with their volcano reports. They were each assigned an active volcano and presented their information using Green Screen by Do Ink and iMovie. They took images from the actual volcano they were reporting on and used them in conjunction with the Green Screen App.  They will now post their iMovie/Green Screen project on their blogs and write about what they did. These kids gave some excellent reports posing as reporters and volcanologists, all on the iPads.  Great App Smashing!  Enjoy!

Green Screen By DoInk


Monday, March 9, 2015

Another Successful Mystery Number Skype with Mr. Lane's Class

We had a Mystery Number Skype with another first grade class! 

 Using number charts to 100 we asked each other questions until we guessed their number. Their mystery number was "43" and ours was "40".  First graders sure do know their numbers!
It was great learning fun for both classes!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Mrs. Shearon's Guided Reading Group

Mrs. Shearon's guided reading students researched Bleeding Kansas as it related to their guided reading book, Across Five Aprils By Irene Hunt. They prepared slide shows, created a Lego model of Gettysburg and used artifacts to present to Mr. Jensen's high school history class. The presentation provided some great information, nice work!  Below is their presentation.